Rules and Regulations


8.01 Windows  No signs, awnings, lettering or notices shall be visible from windows. Excepted are campaign-issued election signs. Owners and residents may displayone (I) sign per unit, which may be put up no sooner than thirty (30)days before an election, and must be removed five (5) days after an election.

Window treatments must be white or a neutral color facing the street and must be in good condition. No permanent, nonconventional window treatments such as sheets or paper are allowed. Interior/exterior of unit windows shall be kept clean. Replacement windows (which are the responsibility of the owner) must be approved by the Board. The Board has the authority to require the owner to replace windows if it is determined that they are unsafe.
8.02 Open House Signs   Open House signs may be displayed at the Hunters Glen entrance between 9:00am and 6:00pm on the day of the Open House. As many as two additional signs may be displayed to direct interested parties to the unit having the Open House.
8.03 Noises or Disturbances and Illegal Conduct   No resident shall make or permit any disturbing noises by himself, his family, employees, agents, guests and licensees, nor do or permit anything by such persons that will interfere with the rights, comforts, or convenience of other residents. Conversation and music should be kept to a respectful level. No resident shall give voice or instrument lessons. Dishwashers and clothes washers may not be operated between 11:OOpm and 7:00am without a prior agreement between residents.
8.04 Attachments and Attics   No cable or utility wires, cables or connections may enter the front of any building without the written approval of the Board. If unapproved installations are completed without written approval, the installation may be ordered removed, at the expense of the owner, and appropriate repairs to the building will become the responsibility of the unit owner.
8.05 Association Employees and Management Company   Residents shall not direct, supervise, or in any manner attempt to assert any control over employees of the Association or management company or contractors, nor shall they engage them in conversation excepting supervisory personnel of the management company. The management crew is to work under the supervision of the management company.
8.06 Pass Key and Alarms   If burglar alarms are installed, at least two (2) neighbors shall be given a key and instructions on tuming it off. Failure to do so will result in the Board directing a resident to remove said alarm if they repeatedly go off without being turned off promptly. The Board reserves the right to order the removal of any system which goes off with excessive frequency, even if turned off promptly. The management company should also be made aware of a resident having an alarm system.
8.07 Resident Absence  If leaving your unit for an extended period of time, be sure to notify the management company of appropriate local contact for emergency as well as your long distance contact information. Please provide a key to the Board, management company or reliable party so entrance to your unit may be gained in an emergency. Remember for your safety to turn off the main water valve (located in the furnace room near the water tank), close and lock windows, and unplug appliances, excepting major appliances.
8.08 Complaints or Suggestions  Complaints or suggestions may be made to the management company. Complaints so registered which are not acted on in a satisfactory manner within a reasonable time should then be made in writing to the President of the Association.
8.09 Declaration and By-Laws  Other restrictions, rules and regulations are contained in the Declaration and By-Laws with these Rules and Regulations being supplemental to those in the Declaration and By-Laws.
8.10 Exterminating  Exterminator service for exterior of buildings is the responsibility of the Association. Individual unit owners are responsible for exterminating within their own units.
8.11 Enforcement  Any violation of these rules and regulations may be enforced in the same manner as provided by the Declaration and By-Laws, and by any means available at law or in equity, including, but not limited to, the right to seek injunctive relief. In the event that such enforcement action becomes necessary, the violating owner shall be responsible for all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred in connection with the enforcement action taken.
8.12 Late Fees  Each owner shall have one (1) month to pay the fines enumerated in paragraph 8.11. If an owner fails to pay the fine(s), the owner shall be assessed a $65 late fee, per month, until the owner's entire balance is paid in full.
Excerpt from
Hunters Glen Condominium Association
Rules and Regulations
